Woodland Park Convention & Visitor Bureau

Colorado Buys Local (CBL) is sponsoring the new Woodland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau (WPCVB) and investing up to $600,000.00 in local small businesses!

CBL is a statewide, full service marketing organization designed specifically to help Colorado's small & midsize retail and service businesses grow.

Our goal is to partner with each Woodland Park area small business to help you grow by using proprietary technology, our College Werkz S.T.E.M. staff members, our CBL senior business consultants, and our proven marketing programs.

Your Business May Qualify For Up To $3000!

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"Buy Local" Is More Than A Slogan...It's Our Obsession!

Colorado Buys Local and the Woodland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau have teamed up to promote your "everyday great values" to customers who want to buy from you today.

"Buy Local" is a catchy slogan but it doesn't drive customers to your business if they can't find you when they're ready to buy.

The Woodland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau, sponsored by Colorado Buys Local, offers businesses of all sizes an inexpensive & proven local marketing plan that will help grow your business, guaranteed!

Finally A Cost Effective Marketing Solution

Colorado Buys Local helps drive local small business success throughout Colorado. However, it's very hard to drive success when over 75% of local Colorado small businesses can't afford to market their business!


97% of Local Consumers Search Online for Local Products & Services.

Residents & regional visitors say they would like to support local businesses.

75.2% of Local Colorado Businesses Aren't Online!

If you're not online you're out of the game. Our immediate goal is to get every Woodland Park small business online.

Affordable & Fast!

Reach new customers FAST. We'll help you create an effective marketing plan AND keep your cash flow positive. Call today and be in front of new customers in just days!

No Membership Fees Ever

Select an affordable monthly marketing package to begin then upgrade or cancel any time!

Smart Technology and Smarter Marketing!

Colorado Buys Local instantly helps consumers find our local business partners. We use smart technology, intelligent websites, social media, and traditional advertising methods to market our local business partners. Local consumers want to buy. Colorado Buys Local makes sure they can find you!


We're Investing $600,000
In Woodland Park Businesses

Find out if your local business qualifies for up to $3000 from Colorado Buys Local and the Woodland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau!

Get Started For FREE! ..... No Contracts! ..... Cancel Anytime!

Getting started is Easy & Fast! Review the available CBL plans below and simply request more information. Our partner support team will be in touch right away.
Don't worry, we'll do all the hard work and you'll make all the sales. No Up Front Costs! Cancel Anytime!


$ 0 /day
  • Business Listing
  • 1 Menu Category
  • 1 Contact Info
  • 1 Website Link
  • FREE Marketing Support

Business Builder

$ 1 /day
  • 3 Menu Categories
  • Unlimited Visitor Traffic
  • Real Time Traffic Reports
  • FREE Biz Promotion
  • Custom Merchant Page
  • Email Marketing Tools
  • Email Marketing Program
  • Local Search Marketing
  • FREE Marketing Support
  • FREE Business Website
  • FREE Domain Name
  • FREE Website Hosting
  • FREE Website Updates

Business Partner

$ 2 /day
  • Up To 6 Menu Categories
  • Unlimited Visitor Traffic
  • Real Time Traffic Reports
  • FREE Biz Promotion
  • Custom Merchant Page
  • Email Marketing Tools
  • Email Marketing Program
  • Local Search Marketing
  • FREE Business Website
  • FREE Domain Name
  • FREE Website Hosting
  • FREE Website Updates
  • Custom Facebook Page
  • Custom Google Page
  • Custom Twitter Page
  • FREE Marketing Support

Business Ecommerce

$ 3 /day
  • All Partner Benefits
  • Custom Ecommerce Site
  • Free Pay Pal Setup
  • 50 Product Uploads
  • Unlimited Product Capacity
client client client client client client

Our Partners Say

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